Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The stash has been found, I repeat, the stash has been found.

Sunday afternoon, the hubby is pulling throws out of our antique apple basket when underneath he finds a stash of yarn.

Above: Under the throws, he finds a part of my stash.

He is staring at the yarn at the bottom of the basket. I am tossing the throws back into the basket, "Shhh! Put the blankets back before the hubby sees the stash!" He looks at me incredulously and laughs. "I AM hubby!"

He looks over to my works-in-progress basket by the piano which is also overflowing with yarn, and smirks. The picture below is actually after I've emptied out some of the yarn. So imagine it overflowing and ridiculous. (Ridiculously cool! Hellz to the ya!)

Under the bed, we have two large Sterilite 62L containers holding my stash -- also overflowing. The  picture below shows the container we use for yarn stashing (times two) -- they're pretty big!
 Above: Underbed storage container, I heart thee!

Later on, we are out grabbing some dinner and are having a casual conversation.

"I think I need another one of those underbed storage containers!" I say smiling.

"We don't need another one, do we? Your stash seems fine with the storage we have. Do we even have room under the bed for another container?"

"Yea, we have room underbed for another one. My stash at home is trying to escape the underbed containers - overflow! But what about the stash at work that needs to come home?"

"The stash at work??!"

He got wide-eyed. He sorta looked like this: O_O.

I would describe it as bewildered. Not understanding my psyche.Yet, he was understanding of what he couldn't understand.

After dinner, we went ahead and got me another underbed storage container. Yay! Now there are three. Yes sir, yes sir, three bags containers full.

 Above: Missing the work stash.

Needless to say, no more yarn purchases for blublu for awhile. Not until I knit down the stash. 

Final thoughts on the matter: I <3 hubby.
In other news, I've picked up the Tunisian Crochet technique. It's the love child of knitting and crocheting. Whoever says the two techniques should never be mixed is nuts, especially when you see how great it looks!

The technique uses a long double ended crochet hook (or alternatively, a hook with a cord), there is a knit and a purl stitch, the work above curls like stockinette stitch (as it's all knit), and it is also one of the few ways in which I will tolerate variegated yarn.  Most other times, I think variegated yarn just looks like a clown puked a rainbow on a skein of yarn. Not pleasant.

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